Pressurisation system for stairs or evacuation routes, designed according to the European standard EN 12101-6

The correct operation of the pressurisation systems depends not only on their sound design, but also on the correct regulation performed by the system. For this reason, it is extremely important to have calibrated, high precision regulation elements that will permit both situations present in the event of a fire to be maintained simultaneously, quickly and stably.
• Overpressure kit for pressurizing stairs and evacuation routes, consisting of a control panel (BOXSMART), a drive unit (CJHCH or CJBD) and one or two motorised dampers with smoke detector (DAMPER BOX SMART), depending on the model selected (1D or 2D).
• Supplied as an optional accessory.
• External control panel for firefighters.
• Indicates the system status and provides firefighters with the option of manually turning the system on or off via its selector switch. We recommend that this panel be installed at the main entry point to the protected area.
• Supplied as an optional accessory.
• Time programmer with calendar to manage the activation of the systems for daily ventilation.
• Overpressure kit for pressurizing stairs and evacuation routes, consisting of a control panel (BOXSMART), a drive unit (CJHCH or CJBD) and one or two motorised dampers with smoke detector (DAMPER BOX SMART), depending on the model selected (1D or 2D).
• Supplied as an optional accessory.
• External control panel for firefighters.
• Indicates the system status and provides firefighters with the option of manually turning the system on or off via its selector switch. We recommend that this panel be installed at the main entry point to the protected area.
• Supplied as an optional accessory.
• Time programmer with calendar to manage the activation of the systems for daily ventilation.